Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Cast List


Chris Marshall: Although I don't know Marshall like I know Luke it is clear that he is dedicated and whilst filming he hasn't  let me down, all of the shots that I wanted to get of him I have because he complied with everything I asked him to do in the practise sessions and because of this reason I was able to get an equal amount of shots between him and the rest of the band

Luke Blackburn + Michael Hill (guitarists): These two guys are some close friends who i have known a while and know that they wouldn't let me down when it came to filming, although some parts where harder to film than others due to them sometimes messing around I eventually got all the shots of them that I needed in order to start editing my music video.

Tristan Tyler: from past experience I know that Tristan is an experienced drummer and although he often turns up late to practises I know that he wont let me down when it comes to filming my video because in live shows he puts a lot of energy into his music and I'm sure he will do the same with my video.

James Keal: James is a reliable bassist who wont let me down when recording, I know him through Luke and the others all of which have said that he will be a good addition to my video because he will provide a good atmosphere and listen to what I ask him to do and take things seriously whilst having a laugh at the same time.
In order to thank them all for the job they did I offered to make them a montage of all the shots that I had filmed and then put one of their pre-recorded tracks alongside it to make it a video for them to promote their band with.

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